21 de June de 2023 Board of Directors


Opmega gives a mussel master class to students from Marín,
Carnota and Muros

  • The project “Bate yourself, find your space in the world” this morning brought together students from Marín, Carnota and Muros in the Ría de Arousa.
  • The day opened with a boat visit to a raft and was completed with a skill contest around the world of mussels. 
  • The objective of the mussel organization is to avoid preconceived ideas about this sector and to obtain the place it deserves among the future options of Galician youth.

 Vilagarcía de Arousa, June 20, 2023.- At that moment when all vital options are open, the world of the punt can be yours. With this idea, the Organization of Producers of Galicia (Opmega) hopes that the 50 students of 4th ESO from three institutes in Marín, Carnota and Muros who have participated in the initiative “Batéate, find your space in the world”, developed this morning between Vilanova and Vilagarcía de Arousa. A physical approach to a raft followed by a skill contest around the mussel that fulfills the function of bringing this activity closer to adolescents so that, in the future, it can become a job opportunity and a vital bet for them. Grow the cheek now to enjoy the mussel in the future. The sailor day brought together, from the outset, the students of Illa de Tambo, Lamas de Castelo and As Insúas in the port of Vilanova. After the welcome, the students boarded the Cruceros do Ulla-Turimares ship together with those responsible for their institutes and Opmega to sail to one of the organization’s rafts in the Ría de Arousa industrial estate and learn, in situ, how work is developed. It was a fully interactive journey, in which the young people had the opportunity to take the floor to ask questions or make comments. The result was a pleasant approach to a first-rate work activity on the Galician coast and to a field such as mythology that can awaken vocations in different fields. After returning to the port, the expedition members went to the Opmega headquarters, in Vilagarcía de Arousa, to continue the day by participating in ‘Bateaventura’, a contest of ingenuity and skill designed by the organization of mussels around their world . The students, divided into teams, competed in a friendly hand-to-hand that resulted in a winner, the Catalina team from IES As Insuas, from Muros. The name was revealed in the great final act of farewell and balance. Opmega gives a mussel master class to students from Marín, Carnota and Muros

Opmega undertakes initiatives such as this one in order to guarantee the future of the sector, banishing preconceived ideas about mussel work and allowing it to be seen by young people as an economically profitable job opportunity that favors family and social reconciliation. “Batéate” is a program launched in this year 2023 within its 2023 Production and Marketing Plan, co-financed by FEMPA and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
