“MEKA” Sause Mussels


  • Mussels
  • Olive oil
  • Onion
  • Parsley
  • Garlic
  • Wine Albariño
  • Flour
  • Saffron


The mussel is washed very well and cooked steamed, it is removed from the fire, it is scraped trying to clean it well, to dry the chin and not to break it; It is left on hold.

In a frying pan put the oil, not very hot, put the chopped onion, leave it for a while, making sure that it does not became brown, rather cooked in the oil. In a mortar crush the garlic with the parsley and a little salt all well mashed, we put the wine and we incorporate everything to the onion, we fry well, a pair of tablespoons of flour, the saffron and the sauce is already finish. It is passed through a purée machine and finally the mussels are incorporated, boil for a minute in the sauce stirring with a wooden spoon or a spatula. You only need love and care, in that way things work better.